How life's like
This weekend I can already look back on two weeks of university-life. It’s somewhat different from what I am used at home. The first thing is that the facilities and the equipment are just much better than you could ever imagine it to be in Austria. They have big computer labs with very new computers, three sport halls directly the main building including saunas, a concert hall connected to the main building, a huge gym opened 24 hours and so on and so on.
But also the way of teaching and the quantity of the course is quite different. I am attending three courses, what is not much less than the Danish students do and that is already very time-consuming, because we have exercises to do each week in all the courses and they are a lot of work. But still it is better than at home, where you have 6-8 courses, having a lot of work as well, but not learning a thing properly and just doing everything to get finished as quickly as possible, very often not learning a lot from the course, because you don’t have the time to do that. Here you are much more motivated, at least I am, and I am sure that if you make it through the course, you will really learn something from it.
At first I was shocked by the many hours I had per week, only taking three courses here, but I then found out that also the hours per week are different. The big courses (10 ECTS Points) always have 8 hours per week and that is very much, but you have only 2-3 hours lectures and the rest of the time you go to the lab and start working. That means some of the time where you are doing the exercises falls into the course time. That is very good, cause I thought we’ll have 8 hours of lectures per week. That would be almost impossible.
But although there is much work to do, we always find enough time to use in a more partying way. Especially this week was very “hard”, because now we are finding out where and when all the parties are happening. And we can fill up a big part of the week already. Starting on Tuesday evening, where we are having the international night in our university. This is the most relaxing evening; it’s more like sitting and talking, just a fixed time to see all the international students. Wednesday night the international night in the S-Husset in Copenhagen takes place. This actually is meant to be for the University of Copenhagen, but a lot of other people are there as well, including a bunch from our place. Thursday we discovered that there is the CBS (Copenhagen Business School, that’s the WU here) party. I was there the first time this week and was really cool. The building is a nice piece of architecture, also the canteen where the party was taking place. Moreover it was the first time I used the metro in Copenhagen and that is something that you just have to do. The metro in Copenhagen has started its service in 2002 and it is totally automated, meaning that there is no driver. And the best thing is that you can sit in the front, where usually the driver is situated. It looks perfect! Finally on Friday the Pharmacy University makes a party. So we have a lot to decide from. For me it’s a pity that I have courses at Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning (at 9 a.m.) and so I can not party so long, or not go to all the parties.
At first I was shocked by the many hours I had per week, only taking three courses here, but I then found out that also the hours per week are different. The big courses (10 ECTS Points) always have 8 hours per week and that is very much, but you have only 2-3 hours lectures and the rest of the time you go to the lab and start working. That means some of the time where you are doing the exercises falls into the course time. That is very good, cause I thought we’ll have 8 hours of lectures per week. That would be almost impossible.
But although there is much work to do, we always find enough time to use in a more partying way. Especially this week was very “hard”, because now we are finding out where and when all the parties are happening. And we can fill up a big part of the week already. Starting on Tuesday evening, where we are having the international night in our university. This is the most relaxing evening; it’s more like sitting and talking, just a fixed time to see all the international students. Wednesday night the international night in the S-Husset in Copenhagen takes place. This actually is meant to be for the University of Copenhagen, but a lot of other people are there as well, including a bunch from our place. Thursday we discovered that there is the CBS (Copenhagen Business School, that’s the WU here) party. I was there the first time this week and was really cool. The building is a nice piece of architecture, also the canteen where the party was taking place. Moreover it was the first time I used the metro in Copenhagen and that is something that you just have to do. The metro in Copenhagen has started its service in 2002 and it is totally automated, meaning that there is no driver. And the best thing is that you can sit in the front, where usually the driver is situated. It looks perfect! Finally on Friday the Pharmacy University makes a party. So we have a lot to decide from. For me it’s a pity that I have courses at Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning (at 9 a.m.) and so I can not party so long, or not go to all the parties.
von Pietropizzi um 14:17 | 2 Kommentar(e)
2 Kommentar(e):
Sounds really fine and I´m sure you´ll find a solution for your party-planning.
Von Anonym, am 12 Februar, 2006 11:13
I know the problem very well: this week for example, I went out every night, except Monday. However, the sentence "...but, it's our Erasmus!" is an excellent excuse for nearly everything!!!
Von marie, am 12 Februar, 2006 13:19
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