Introduction Week (23.1. - 27.1.)
Now that the Introduction week is over since more than one week I finally managed to make my self comfortable in front of my notebook and write everything down. Let’s try to do this systematically, cause that makes it easier for me to remember everything.
Hmm … what was there on Monday … ah yes, the Introduction week started on Tuesday, so there was nothing.
We were supposed to be at the main building at 9 a.m. and on the program it said that we start of by a breakfast and do some organizational stuff. Not trusting this breakfast thing I nevertheless had my cornflakes at home and it was a good Idea, cause there was not really a lot to eat there. But there was coffee and that’s important at that time of the day. All together we counted about 100 international students and we were divided in Groups of about 10 people and each group was sitting on one table. The first 10-15 minutes were a bit strange and especially silent. But then the situation started to defrost and we got to know each other. It was a cool group and we were from
At 10 a.m. we happily gathered in building 208, room 53 to hear someone talk about “Study methods at DTU”, not very exciting but informative. After this happening we had lunch and left to Copenhagen for a typical tourist tour, putting all of the group in two double-decker busses and driving around for one and a half hours. We only stopped at the little mermaid. But that is actually the most boring thing in whole
In the morning we should meet at 8 o’clock at the local train station to go to the municipality to apply for the residence permit. But I had three good reasons for not going there
- I did not have to be there.
- I was in no condition to go there.
- It was just not very smart going there with something like 80 more people (only the EU citizens) cause you would wait for ever.
Friday started at 12 a.m. for me, cause I didn’t go to the lecture about “Danish Culture and Danish Society”, I’ll rather find this out myself. In the afternoon we had an introduction to the Danish course and that’s where I realized that I’m not going to attend it. Not because it seemed impossible to learn the language, I just imagined the course to take only one month and not until the end of May! Besides the course was four hours each week! That’s just too much for language that I probably will never put to use. After this we had an introduction to the library, which was very cool. Besides the many things you can find there (not only books, but also many papers and journals) the atmosphere is very nice, as are the people working there. Before we could eat our dinner we had to make it. Every group made a part of it. We were responsible for the salad, which was fairly easy compared to the guys that had to peal and boil 12kg of potatoes! In the night we had our final welcome party in the bar at the DTU (called “kellar bar” by the way). This time it got really late, but the next day was a Saturday and there was no program … perfect end!!!
von Pietropizzi um 13:07 | 2 Kommentar(e)
2 Kommentar(e):
Also wir hatten auch ein Abendessen, aber da haben die Tutoren für uns gekocht! Nix mit selber Kartoffen schlälen...!
Ist ja genial, dass ihr so viele Leute von denn anderen Kontinenten auf der Uni habt. Das Exotischste, was sich zu uns nach Finnland verirrt hat sind drei Mexikaner, die sich den Hintern abfrieren!
Und wegen dem dänisch Kurs: richtig so. Ich hab mich für den finnisch Kurs nichtmal alibihalber angemeldet.
Von Anonym, am 05 Februar, 2006 18:56
Hi Peter!
Das nenn ich mal einen ausführlichen Bericht! Da hat man ja fast das Gefühl selber dort gewesen zu sein .....
In Wien ist es zur Zeit extrem langweilig, da die meisten auf Skiurlaub sind, während ich jeden Tag zwischen 3 und 5 Stunden auf der Uni bin (ich glaub ich mach da was falsch ....).
Naja ... so ist das Leben ....
Von Anonym, am 07 Februar, 2006 14:32
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