Crazy, crazier, the best weekend ever!
Hey Folks! Long time no see, I know, but the motivation to write is not always so easy to find. But the last weekend was so great that it inspired me to writing this post.
Well, let's just get started. The first thing that made this weekend so special was the weather. The spring finally found its way to Denmark and brought a lot of sun and temperatures about 20 degrees and more with it. Everyone was already so eager to feel the sun that we all wanted to do something outside. On Friday night I decided not to go to a party, because we wanted leave at 8 on Saturday. We went on a trip to the so called Møn Island; it is south of the island where Copenhagen is situated and about one and a half hours away. One girl from France (Lola) and a German guy (Thomas) have their cars here, so travelling was really easy. I went in the car together with Thomas, Jorge (Spain), Miguel (Spain) and Guy (Israel) (Yes that is a name) and the funny thing about the car was the big Austria sticker in the back window. It is because Thomas is a big fan of Austria (we were listening to Austria 3 in the car, what was not so appreciated by the others). Well finally some Germans on the right way ;).
The attractions on the Møn Island are the 120 meter high completely white cliffs. Really great! But we visited also some churches and one city on the island, but the cliffs were definitely the best. We also spent most of the time there. First we enjoyed the view from the top, then we had our lunch there and finally we walked down to the „beach“. 519 stairs. No Problem when going down, but up, well we managed to do it somehow. After the cliffs we had to hurry home because a barbeque was waiting for us at the campus village. For all of you who don't know what the campus village is: That is the place where I live since the beginning of April and it is directly at the university campus. The only strange thing about it is that it consists of containers. Yes containers. One container is built out of 5 containers as you know them from the construction site. And there are about 25 of these big containers, each having room for nine to ten students. So back to the barbeque, or better, what the BBQ was the preparation for.
Preparation? We were preparing for the almighty TDC! This event takes place only once a year and its name seems to have French roots, because it means Tour De Container. If it really is a French invention, then it is definitely the best one they have ever made. I'm sure you already know what the main part in the TDC is. Alcohol; of course. That's why a big BBQ with a lot of food should be made before playing. Definitely! So what is the TDC all about? I'll explain. Here we go.
Originally all persons of each container should make a team, but as not everyone was playing, some containers put their teams together. So did we, because only two persons from my container were playing. Giovanni (Italy) and me. Finally we managed to have 10 teams with 6-8 persons. Each team had one captain (Giovanni in our team), to make organisation a bit easier. Every team had to prepare some kind of competitive game in their container. Of course only games that included drinking were allowed. At the beginning of the TDC the first 5 teams stayed in their containers and the other 5 went to visit them there. So there were 2 teams in each container playing against each other. After the game was over the home team moved on to another container and the guest team became the next home team to explain and play the game with the next ones coming. Sounds simple. Well on the one hand it is, on the other hand we used a lot of time to organize which team has to move where and when, so that every team plays every game and against as many as possible different teams. Well we quite succeeded, but of course after five rounds no one was really caring about the rules and everyone started to drink without playing the game. Well, why not.
As the main part of our team was from container A we called our selves the A-Team and when we were moving from one container to the next one we started to sing the A-Team theme, of course. Oh and there was another rule: When changing container you had to hold each others hand and walk backward. I think we were the only team really doing it, but it was so much fun walking backwards singing the A-Team theme!!! But that was not the only speciality our team had. When someone in our team said: „What time is it?“ Then our captain said „A time“ and every one jumped into position forming one of the letters of A-TEAM. The longer the evening the worse our A-TEAM got. Especially the E was usually pointing in the wrong direction. I won't go into all the details, but it was one of the craziest parties I have ever been to. Some of the containers were quite destroyed after some time. Beer, wine, sangria everywhere, so we decided to party on outside the containers. The main reason why the containers were so messed up was that people started to pour their drinks over each other. Lucky me, I had just exchanged my T-Shirt with a French guy (it was one of the games) and somehow my Shirt (the one he was wearing then) didn't get wet and his did a lot. ooops ;) Everyone was just so drunk. Really funny!
The next morning was really incredibly bad. My head was hurting so much, oh man, horrible. And it took my head a long time to get better, but the weather was so nice that we nevertheless went to the beach. It must have been funny to see us there. 20 people having a hangover and just lying there on the beach. But after some hours we got better and started to play Frisbee and I also went into the sea!!! 10°C!!! I just dived in and went out again. Really cold. On the way back we went to some kind of small Luna Park. Most of us just to eat something, some also were riding on one of the attractions there. But that would have been too much after the night before! So that's it! It doesn't sound that fantastic in this written form, but it was just great!
If you want check out the pictures, go here for the Møn Island and here for the beach day. And here you can find some more pictures.
von Pietropizzi um 18:14 | 4 Kommentar(e)
4 Kommentar(e):
1. Du hast ja schon uuuur lange Haare!!!
2. Austria Sticker: guuut. Ich darf mir hier immer anhören, dass Österreich ein kleiner Ort IN Deutschland sei.
3. Die 519 Stiegen erinnern mich schwer an die Jugendherberge in Finale Ligure :)
4. DTC hört sich urgeil an!!!
5. Karaoke, A-Team theme song singen... Erasmus changes everybody ;)
Von marie, am 08 Mai, 2006 22:00
Kann mir vorstellen, daß man die eigenen Eindrücke manchmal schwer zu Papier bzw. auf den Blog bringt, aber soweit ich das gelesen hab, klingt's echt nach einer Menge Spaß!!!Vor allem wenn ich mir vorstell, wie ein paar torkelnde Gestalten in YMCA- Manier posen! ;)
Nur eines würd mich noch interessieren: Wer hat nach der Orgie aufgeräumt? Oder habts ihr die Container einfach ausbrennen lassen??? ;)
Von Anonym, am 08 Mai, 2006 23:08
1. Ich war vor ca. 3 Wochen beim Frieseur, die Haare sind jetzt also wieder kürzer, allerdings hab ich nicht allzuviel abgeschnitten.
2. Ich hab das Auto schon seit ca. 1 Monat immer parken gesehen und hab mir gedacht: Was ist das für einer mit einem deutschen Kennzeichen und dem riesen Austria in der Heckscheibe.
3. Jajaja ... das war echt schlimm. Ich glaube dort waren es "nur" 400 aber die mussten wir viel öfter gehen!
4. Du meinst wohl TDC :) Ja es war wirklich geil, aber das kann man nirgends spielen wo einem was an der Umgebeung liegt ;)
5. Da muss ich dir 100% zustimmen! Erasmus verändert! Aber auf jeden Fall zum guten. Man wird offener, sowohl was Leute kennenlernen betrifft als auch überhaupt neue Sachen machen. Ich hoffe mal das hält auch in Wien weiter an.
Ja gerade so ein Wochenende ist wirklich schwer in Worte zu fassen. Es war alles auf einmal. Der Frühling war da, die Bäume sind (endlich) grün geworden (wirklich erst jetzt) und das Programm war super. Es hinterlässt sicher einen bleibenden Eindruck.
Tja das Aufräumen hat teilweise schon in der Nacht begonnen. Denn wir wurden dann aus allen Containern rausgeschmissen und haben draußen weiter gefeiert. Ich habe unseren Container zugesperrt, damit niemand reinkommt. Naja es ist ziemlich glimpflich ausgegangen für die Container. Vor allem Alkoholüberschwemmungen waren der Fall, aber nach dem jemand einen ganzen Topf Sangria über jemand anderen geschüttet hat, wurden wir wie gesagt eh rausgeschmissen (Keine ahnung warum) ;)
Von Pietropizzi, am 09 Mai, 2006 00:37
Maria nd' Joseph !! Jetzt fladern uns die auch noch unser Austria - Gütesiegel!!
Von Anonym, am 10 Mai, 2006 18:06
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